the preciousness of death

You’ve heard something like this before—without death, we could never know the preciousness of life. When a loved one falls ill, suddenly our relationship with them is imbued with an entirely new quality. But what happens when the loved one who falls ill isn’t human? What if it’s a lake whose life we mourn? In this season finale, Thomas shares about a close friend of his who initiated him in death, and Great Salt Lake, who is now in dangerous decline. He invites us all to reconsider what personhood is, and what it might mean to open our hearts to the lands that sustain us.

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Meet Your Guide: thomas McConkie

Over the last 20 years, Thomas has studied broadly across the traditions: from Hindu mantra meditation, Zen and Vipassana in the Buddhist Wisdom stream, to the school of Integral, Developmental Psychology, and his native tradition, Mormonism. 

He founded Lower Lights School of Wisdom, a nonprofit organization and community dedicated to reimagining faith and human transformation in the 21st century. He is an author, public speaker, developmental coach and meditation teacher.