Season 4


We find ourselves—all of humanity—suddenly thrust into a “school of hardship.” What qualities will we “gather” during this time? What garden will we grow? Let your in-tention guide your a-ttention and see who you become.

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There is a subtle kind of infestation in human experience that deprives us of an inherent sense of freedom and joy. But there’s good news! We all have the capacity to disinfect; to become healthy and whole again.

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In these times of quarantine, it can be easy to get bogged down in one care, one concern, one worry after another. When we enter that “mind” of fretting, there is no end to our troubles.
How about cashing in all of the cares in the world for one single care?



It’s World Autism Month! In honor of all of our neurodiverse loved ones, Thomas shares a story of a dharma teaching from his brother, Joseph, who is on the autistic spectrum.

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The Great Gesture

Life is full of second chances. The Dharma is all about second chances. Just now, if you didn’t meet the last moment with full presence and full awareness, life will offer you the next moment to get it right.


Gain and Loss

In this episode, acquaint yourself with the fear that surrounds the experience of loss and learn to include it more fully in the wholeness (and holiness) of your life.

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Their Need is Overwhelming

In these days of quarantine, take a moment—take many moments—to come back to yourself and be honest about what really drives you. What really feeds you. Then risk it.

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Eternity in an hour

In this extended meditation, Thomas points out the “Ground of Being”, a classic territory in contemplative practice.



Appropriateness has everything to do with showing up freshly in each moment of life and doing something we’ve never done before because we’ve never encountered precisely this same moment.

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“Duende”, a term coined by the Spanish poet, Lorca, describes the power of art to whisk us away into a world of “invisibles.” Is “duende” really a thing? Try on this practice and decide for yourself!

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The mindful review

In a previous episode, Thomas said that “the Dharma is all about second chances.” In this episode, he goes into much greater detail. Namely, he asks how we can learn to bring a greater degree of mindfulness to the most difficult experiences of our lives.

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Wisdom Mother

The Prajnaparamita Sutra describes the “Wisdom Mother” continuing to “instruct her enlightened children about the true nature of What is.” Take a breath, relax the body, open the Heart, and explore this practice of “Perfect Wisdom” with us.


Cosmic assistance

Do you have a sense of what it means to “listen from the ear of the Heart?” When we do listen from this new place within ourselves, the results can be dramatic.

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no body no mind

In this episode, Thomas leads an extended guided meditation, inviting you back into primordial, formless presence, aka the experience of a newborn baby.

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the one who knows

In human life, we naturally confront the question again and again, “What do I do now? Where do I go next?” Or more broadly, “what do I do with my life?”

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a rare chance

We live in a day and age where high quality teachings are available to anyone who is interested in the path of meditation. And yet, there remains something unique, even “rare” about the opportunity to meet and be inspired by a living master in the flesh.

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heat wave

Thomas shares a modern mindfulness parable on a broken air conditioner and working with discomfort. He guides listeners in becoming experts at diagnosing the suffering in their own body-mind.



When we look closely, we realize that pain is not just something we can learn to tolerate, it is a kind of grace, opening us up to a world beyond suffering.


Schrödinger’s Glacier

Thomas shares a quote from the famous physicist, Erwin Schrödinger, and invites listeners to participate in the great Mystery that mystics and sages across the ages have invited us into: What is the self? Who is aware?

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Shiva / Shakti

In this practice, there are two currents always at play: that of Transcendence, that which moves beyond all form, and Immanence, that which embraces all form. In Hinduism, these principles are deified as Shiva (Transcendence) and Shakti (Immanence).

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The Path

What we sometimes refer to as “the path”, that is, the process of transformation, has been expressed in different ways in the Wisdom traditions throughout history.

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The Relative and The Absolute

Suzuki Roshi said it well to his students: “Each of you is perfect the way you are ... and you can use a little improvement.” What delightful play! Let’s dive into this paradox together.

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Spontaneous Awakening

Have you ever had the experience of trying to meditate, only to find yourself constantly frustrated that you’re endlessly distracted? Have no fear! Thomas offers a simple, proven remedy to turn this deficit into a great strength.

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Raising All of Creation

Welcome to the season finale, Mindfulness Plussers! In the midst of hurricane force winds and blackouts across Salt Lake Valley, Thomas offers a deep view on parenting. Ultimately, when we’re totally present, we raise Creation itself.